Friday, June 4, 2010


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

Nation, Commission, Mission

"Who is to blame for the presence of war in the Middle East? No one. Who is to blame for the absence of peace in the Middle East? Everyone."

I am saddened by the blockade in Gaza, my love. But more than that, I am saddened by the sheer depth of the division that keeps the peace from the peoples of the Middle East. But it is not impossible to bridge this divide, my darling. We just need to know where we've been, where we are and where we're going. Because we can not at this time stay here in the darkness and let that choice for peace in our hearts remain unmade.

The season of these times shall call upon each of us in our hearts to make that necessary choice to sunder these persistent lukewarm gray skies of complacency and ignorance that have for so long prevented us from shining together in the darkness to bless the communities of our Mankind as the numberless stars of our Father Abraham.

And we shall each make this choice on behalf of each ourselves and the generations of life after us that the LORD, our God, may prosper His peace upon the life of each our nations for all our nations. For this darkness can only deepen and darkness that is deep is madness.

This is our longest night.

I love my Miyang. PERIOD.

From always to always,


"Hang on to the things in your life that doesn't change. Hang on to them till it hurts. For if life is all about change then the secret to living well must be this - stand still."

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