Saturday, June 5, 2010


Dear darling Annelies Marie,

I'll get right down to the things I want to put down about the deadlock in Gaza:

In order to help reverse the negative trending that is drawing the nations of the region further down the descendant gravity of war, I strongly propose for all parties concerned to consider this initial trust building exercise: Free Sgt. Gilad Shalit without condition - Allow the Rachel Corrie through to the Gaza Strip without condition.

I realize that both these proposals might appear difficult but much more difficult are those far reaching and unforeseen consequences of recklessly allowing the whole region to spiral out of reach of our present influence.

So ponder this in thy hearts and do this while this is yet a choice. And desire peace for thyselves today while it is still today.

These recent events in Gaza have really troubled me, my Anne. I've been thinking and praying about this much of last night and for most of this day.

For I am utterly and irreversibly committed to a durable, meaningful and sustainable peace in the Middle East. This is my conviction, my Anne.

God bless us all!

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

From always to always,


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