Monday, October 20, 2008


Dear darlingest Annelies Marie,

I was having difficulty sleeping the other day and I explicitly asked you to help me sleep, my darlingest. The TV was on at the time as I am used to falling asleep with the television on. All of a sudden, the TV screen went blank - the power was on but the screen went blank and it became silent. I instantly picked up on this and smiled at you, my darlingest. I knew you cared about me. Cared enough to put your foot down (sometimes on my tail - ouch) when it comes to my health and well-being for I really did need sleep at that time as I have just recently started to work those graveyard shifts again.

Our Lord was good enough to give me employment at a call center in Makati that specializes in directory assistance.

Our good Lord gave me a pay cut but I receive just enough to keep me disciplined.

I also had an explicit dream of you and Mama Mary personally asking me to quit drugs which of course, I shall by the grace of God endeavor to do not only for my own sake but for the sake of our friendships one with another. I am really confident after all that I've been through, good and bad, that our Lord shall really deliver me from this addiction from this day forward unto the day that you fulfill your promise to me, my darlingest Annelies Marie.

I am also trying to write a Litany for our Jacinta, Blessed Jacinta Marto, the Little Flower of Fatima. I also had a dream of her, you know, and I know that I'll be able to write a good one for her just as soon as the words of her prayer appear in my heart.

I love you, dear darlingest, very, very much.

By the way, I think I got a Filipino nickname for me that matches yours, my darlingest Annelies Marie: You're my "Miyang" and I'm going to be your "Pusing"; "Miyang" of course from "miyaw" and "Pusing" from "pusa".

Always to always,


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